All your boinic parts at nightmaringishly low prices

Cyber Eye
₿ 0,3 BTC
Allows for varied levels of sight

Neural chip
₿ 0,7 BTC
Upgrades all brain activity

Leg Muscle upgrade
₿ 1,2 BTC
Run faster. Jump higher

₿ 2,4 BTC
Lift steel. Punch concrete

Metal Spine
₿ 1,5 BTC
Faster nerve speed and more flexible movement

Hardened Skeleton
₿ 3 BTC
Never break a bone again.

Mechanical heart
₿ 2 BTC
No more heart problems, only improvements

Mantis blades
₿ 4 BTC
Who is gonna stop you now

Lynx paws
₿ 2,3 BTC
Wanna run fast and jump high

Hand inplants
₿ 1,8 BTC
Missing shots is a thing of the past

Reflex Tuner
₿ 5,1 BTC
The best reflexes in the game

₿ 1,3 BTC
Your health is important