Categoriearchief: Develop

Co-discovery Learning

During a usability test, two test users attempt to perform tasks together while being observed. They are to help each other in the same manner as they would if they were working together to accomplish a common goal using the product. They are encouraged to explain what they are thinking about while working on the tasks.

User Surveys

User surveys are a means of finding out how the software or web site is likely to be used by a specific set of users, and who these users are likely to be.
“User Surveys”. UsabilityNet. 2006.

Experience Prototyping

Experience Prototyping is a form of prototyping that allows shareholders on a design team to understand existing and future conditions through engagement with prototypes.
(Buchenau, M., & Fulton Suri, J. Experience prototyping. In Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Designing Interactive Systems pp. 424-433)

High-Fidelity Prototypes

High-fidelity Prototypes, which are based on software, provide a functional version of the system that users can interact with.
(Stone, Jarret, Woodroffe, Minocha. User Interface Design and Evaluation p120)

Interface Design Patterns

Interface design patterns are solutions to frequently-occurring problems and situation in the design of interfaces. The end users and the implementation teams conceptualise the interfaces in terms of interface design patterns.

Performance testing

Performance testing is a rigorous usability evaluation of a working system under realistic conditions to identify usability problems and to compare measures such as success rate, task time and user satisfaction with requirements.
“Performance Testing”. UsabilityNet. 2006.

Test Plan for Usability Testing

The Usability Test Plan describes the goals, method, and approach for usability test. The test plan includes several different components, from profiles of participants to an outline of a discussion with users.

A simplest test plan consists of a set of goals, a description of the logistics and methods and a set of questions to ask the participants.

(Communication Design, Dan Brown p49,p52 2006)

Acceptance Tests

“For large implementation projects, the customer or manager usually sets objective and measurable goals for hardware and software performance. Acceptance tests are a set of test cases specified for the software, with possible response-time requirements for the hardware/software combination.” (Shneiderman, 2005, p. 162)